
  • Security & Privacy:
  • User Experience & Interface:
  • Compatibility & Integration:
  • Value Proposition:
  • Trust & Reputation:
4.2/5Overall Score

Quick Summary

Trezor was the first hardware wallet manufacturer in the world. They released their flagship product in 2013, and since then have come up with a bunch of new devices and products to store, manage and trade your coins. Trezor is arguably one of the key leaders and most popular choices in the industry and therefore a top-notch pick for anyone looking to store their coins.

  • Cryptocurrency Support: Supports 200+ coins
  • Security Features: Utilizes PIN and recovery phrase.
  • User Interface: Touchscreen interface (Model T).
  • Platform Compatibility: Cross-platform compatibility, usable with extension wallets like MetaMask for DeFi integration.
  • Strong security features.
  • Extensive cryptocurrency support.
  • DeFi accessibility via extension wallets.
  • Higher price point (especially Model T).
  • Lack of native inbuild exchange features.
  • Interface may require a learning curve for new users​.

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